The Ultimate Meaning of 
15 Buddha Conducts

By Holy Teacher

Due to the Grace of Heaven and Buddha’s mercy, these Holy scriptures were made available to help us better understand the true meaning of the 15 Buddha Conducts.


Being humble, courteous and kind is not limited to showing respect towards seniors, Dian Chuan Shi and Tao speakers. This behavior should be applied to everyone with utmost sincerity. Think deeply about this. As a Tao cultivator shouldn’t you be courteous and kind towards everyone? 

Those who study I-Ching, Book of Change, know that out of the 64 hexagrams (symbols), 63 of them can shift from inauspicious to auspicious and vice versa. There is only one hexagram, which represents Modesty, and it contains only auspicious without inauspicious and fortunate without unfortunate. Why? In I-Ching it is said: “With an attitude of modesty in taking care of a situation, it is easier to complete things without any obstructions”. A modest manner comes from within through cultivation and is not reluctantly acted out. A true cultivator is always humble and will not look down on others. 

According to the I-Ching, “Everyone dislikes the arrogant but likes those who are humble”. Therefore, modesty can reveal the integrity of a person’s character and express the brightness of the True Self. Although it may seem that the person is in the lowest position, such a noble personality is noteworthy! This is the ultimate and highest level of manifestation of one’s cultivation because he expresses the beauty within by letting go of the ego and by being respectful towards all sentient beings. 

Being humble, courteous and kind is also an expression of your inner Buddha because you are willing to lower yourself, treat everyone equally, and be non-judgmental. In that moment you are truly manifesting the True Self and the true Buddha nature within. As a result, one can reach enlightenment when they are able to truly exhibit this conduct. On the other hand, those that are arrogant and look down on others will never reach enlightenment because their attachment to The Self still exists.