101 Holy Teacher Tian Ran's Revelation

The following selected 101 quotations were channeled by different people through the guiding voice of Holy Teacher Tian Ran.  Holy Teacher wanted to voice his True Heart to each of his beloved disciple.  He made it clear that this book of quotations is the guide for cultivating and propagating Tao during this period of the Last Chance, and should be spread to the entire world in the future.

Verse 010

During this Last Chance, Tao cultivators shall make the Eternal Vow* to raise our consciousness to the level of all buddhas’ and bodhisattvas'.  If we cultivate only to free ourselves for personal enlightenment in one lifetime, how can we enter the eternal sea of truth and dharma?

*EDITOR’S NOTE: The Eternal Vow provides Tao cultivators the life direction and strengths to overcome obstacles and challenges in life, in order to attain complete enlightenment.

Verse 011
The propagation of Tao includes sharing, expounding, pioneering and setting up the temple.   However, we shall not forget to take action showing the utmost loving care for those suffering and those in need.  This includes assisting the poor, orphans and the mentally impaired, showing kindness for the elderly, and supporting and spreading environmental protection.  We shall also support animal rights.  All these are to create good karma with sentient beings.  Do not disregard those as mundane matters.  If we do not fulfill our responsibility, how can we fulfill our Heavenly Mission?

Verse 012

I am fair to each disciple and never favor one more than another.  As long as you are willing to propagate Tao, I will be there to support you.   Due to different affinity*, there may be situations where many people will gather to accept Tao, and other situations where few will accept Tao.  Do not envy others’ success and I hope you never change your mind and vows.  You have my blessing.  Remaining steadfast in your vows, you will not become embittered.  Instead, when you encounter distressing obstacles, the clouds will open and you will see clearly.

*EDITOR’S NOTE: For every action or cause, there is a reaction or an effect. This is karma, a universal law.  Affinity results from karma, in that both positive and negative results are created due to our actions through many lifetimes.  This is also translated as “arising conditions.”  

Image: Golden Gate Heights Park 
Verse 013
To those suffering and deceased from calamities, we need to transfer the merit of our practice of compassion, sorrow and sympathy, through the incense offering ceremonies in the morning and evening.  We do not pray for mere superficial gain in Tao propagation.  If we lack heartfelt empathy to see ourselves in others’ shoes and express caring good will towards everyone - including people we do not know - then our practice is superficial, lacking the inherent essence of true cultivators.  If we nurture heartfelt compassion, then we can inspire people to come together in Tao because they resonate with the sincerity of our cultivation.

Verse 016

Rather than focusing on frivolous worldly aspirations, Tao cultivators work on uplifting themselves in spiritual and sacred matters.  Be at ease and serene in every circumstance.  Tao cultivators shall not pursue an elite lifestyle.  I am accustomed to a meager lifestyle, carrying one bowl and eating whatever is provided to me.  I have traveled far and wide by myself, freely and easily, yet I cannot enlighten or influence those who are born with “a silver spoon” that care only about worldly gain.

Image: Golden Gate Heights Park
Verse 017
Tao cultivators shall differentiate between the sacred and the mundane, and be scrupulous to separate public and private interests.  It is easy to lose the essence of Tao if you taint the sacred with the worldly.  Ever since ancient times, it has not been condoned to use the temple for profitable personal business.  If you are greedy and stubborn, God will allow unfavorable circumstances to manifest in your life.  For your spiritual growth, that would be most unfortunate.

Verse 018

Never spread gossip, but nurture your intention to be compassionate and considerate of others.  If you behave towards others with this compassion, Heaven will treat you the same.

Image: Golden Gate Heights Park, San Francisco
Verse 019
Always provide opportunities for all sentient beings to cultivate and share their inherent talents and gifts.  This will allow them to reap their own blessings.  In the Tao community, no one is entitled to dominate temple affairs, damage the reputation of Tao or hurt innocent beings.  Although I do not have perfect virtues*, I do provide opportunities for my disciples to share and spread Tao.  I dare not expect too much from you, but hope each of you uphold the Tao heart, and do not fail the opportunities of Heaven’s Grace.